Your Mixtape and Music for the Road

I can't believe how easy it is to create a music playlist these days. Almost any song or music track that you can think of can be found on YouTube, and you're able to pick out the songs you want, to create your own playlist. You can then share that playlist link with your friends, family, or whomever you want. You can even share your taste of music with the world by posting it onto your social media, website, or blog.

I remember it not being this easy when I was in high school. Back then, if you wanted a good soundtrack to listen to while driving, it took some time and effort to put together a nice mix-tape. First, you had to carefully think about your playlist order, and then you had to obtain a recording of each of your songs by patiently waiting to catch it off your radio. That, or you had to borrow a bunch of CDs from several of your friends. You would then have to re-record each individual song, in order, onto your cassette. Finally, you had to hand-write the name of your mix-tape or its songs onto the cassette label.

A process that took several hours to do, now only takes a few minutes. To show you an example, here's my playlist of some nostalgic pop punk songs that I loved driving to, back in the day. I created this playlist in just about 15 minutes, here on my laptop, while sitting at a local Starbucks. Back then, this would have taken me hours, if not days!.. [sigh..].. Nonetheless,.. ENJOY! :)
