It's a Start. Let's Go!

The blog is up. I spent the whole day, yesterday, choosing a nice theme and layout. I went with a Black, Green, and Grey color scheme, which I feel suits me. It reminds me of my favorite PUMA hoodie that I'm always wearing. Here's a snapshot of the current look of my blog.

I'm happy with how it looks so far, so I think I'm good to go. It's time to start writing. Time to put in some work.

I watched a YouTube video from Alex Becker the other day. He said that most of us fail not because we don't know what to do, but because we lack focus. We all know what it is that we SHOULD be doing. We just can't sit ourselves down to focus on one thing, and work on it until it gets done.

There's too many distractions. Today, media consumption is abundant, and you have this small handheld device thing that is constantly nagging you for attention. When I was younger, a lot of things were finite. You had X amount of CDs that you could listen to, X amount of video cassettes or DVDs you could rent from the store (or borrow from the library), and you were limited by how many shows you could watch, due to the few number of TV channels you had access to and the schedule of their programming.

Today, everything is abundant, practically infinite, and on-demand. As I'd mentioned in my previous post regarding easy access to music through YouTube, you can spend an entire day listening to countless hours of your favorite songs on the internet. You can binge-watch an entire series of shows on Netflix, or what's worse, you can get trapped scrolling through your Facebook and Instagram feeds. I believe that Gary Vee is right in saying that it all comes down to self awareness. Today, a lot of things get out of hand when it comes to distractions. So we need to be aware of what's going on inside our heads, get focused, and get stuff done.

The blog is up. It's a start. Let's Go!
